I just activated akismet

I am done with all this spam stuff. Every now and then I will find spams in the order of some 553 or 324 like say every day. And guess what most of them are just simply automated comment spams.So now I have activated Akismet. Akismet is the plugin that comes preloaded with every vanilla installation of a wordpress.org blog.

For it I just went to WordPress.com , there I joined for an account. Then I found my API Key in My Profile section in the wordpress.com Dashboard.

I keyed in the API Key after activating  Akismet in my Dr Bikash.com dashboard.

20 hours after now when I am checking out my stats wow I got akismet proudly telling me that it has done away with 44 spams. That is cool, indeed.

But the sad part is I could not know if actually all the comments were spam or some of them were hams. I think I will take some time to get used to it. Till then I am happy.

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